03 Oct Protect your business during Election unrest.
Is your business prepared for activity caused by civil unrest? As cities, states and businesses brace for the upcoming election, it’s important to take precautions for the November 2020 election as the date gets closer.
It’s been over 50 years since there has been this much unrest at a national level over an election. Added to that, the United States is still experiencing a collective shakeup that involves looting and rioters that participate to cause anarchy. While you or your business may have done nothing wrong, your location could just be coincidental and be targeted by these individuals.
If the outcome of the election goes without a clear winner soon after, or is debated for weeks or months to come, is your business going to withstand the brunt of that uncertainty without the help of added security?
Eagle Protective Group has security packages fit for any budget or scope, along with off-duty police officers to protect your business or home from the potential of unrest coming in November.
Businesses located in city centers or near polling centers, particularly, should think about adding increased security, if only to provide traffic control and keep overflowing voters from encroaching on your property.
Even if everyone is peaceful, having a glut of people waiting on or near your property can dissuade potential customers from entering your business. Make them feel safe by including a security detail during the week leading up to the election this November.
We can offer the following services to protect your business:
- Traffic Control
- Personal Protection
- Event Protection
- Protections for Valuable Inventory
- Keeping patrons safe in unsafe environments.
- Guarding property against protests
- Residential patrols
Contact us today for a free consultation: 972-241-3881 | contactus@eagleprotectivegroup.com